Tuesday, April 5 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm
International House of Philadelphia
3701 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
Created By
Scribe Video Center, Monica Scribe
More Info
On Tuesday April 5, at 7PM at International House, Scribe Video Center presents as part of its Producers' Forum Series "When the Spirits Dance Mambo" a documentary which traces the role of sacred African thought and practices in the formation of Cuban society, culture and music. Director Robert Shepard will be in person. The 90-minute documentary is a tribute to the spiritual energy that traveled from West Africa to Cuba and New York. Co-produced and directed by Robert "Bobby" Shepard and Marta Moreno Vega, When the Spirits Dance Mambo was shot in Cuba and New York over a three month period. $10, 8 for students/seniors. free for Scribe members
NOTE: Persons who register for the Master Class at Scribe with Robert Shepard on Wed 4/6, can attend the Tuesday screening event at International house for free. Visit www.scribe.org for more info.