Prominent students of Carlos & Rosa include: Pablo Rodríguez y Noelia Hurtado, Dante Sanchez e Ines Muzzopappa, Francisco Forquera y Natalia Hills and Fabián Peralta y Natacha Poveraj, among many, many more.
Carlos & Rosa have been dancing for over 50 years, have taught all over Europe and Asia, and are among the most highly respected teachers in their home city of Buenos Aires, but they have never before taught in the United States. We are extremely honored to have helped organize their first tour to the US and to be able to bring them to Philadelphia.
7:30-9 pm: Foundational Elements – The Elegant & Functional Embrace and The Walk, Tango's Heartbeat (All levels)
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
1-2:30 pm: The Breathing Dance – Cadencia & Musicality
3-4:30 pm: Time Capsule – A Glimpse into the Way Tango was Danced during the 1950s, the “Golden Age” of Tango
Location: Ruba Club
8:30-9:30 pm: Pre-Milonga Class (Taught by Adam Hoopengardner)
9:30 pm-3 am: Milonga Qilombo featuring a performance by Carlos & Rosa Perez and with DJ Adam Hoopengardner
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2-3:30 pm: Canyengue – The Predecessor of Milonga
4-5:30 pm: Pauses – How, When & Where
Location: First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
7-8:30 pm: Technique & Adornments for Women Combined with Technique & Elegance for Men (Int/Adv)
8:30-10 pm: Common Figures & Sequences in Villa Urquiza-Style Tango (Int/Adv)
10 pm-midnight: Open Practice Space
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
Carlos & Rosa will be teaching in New Jersey, organized by Vittoria Natale & Guillermo Elkouss from March 16-20. Registrants who buy full passes to the events in both New Jersey and Philadelphia will receive 20% off both packages.
The Philadelphia Argentine Tango School is very proud to present an Intensive Seminar in Villa Urquiza-Style Tango taught by Carlos Perez & Rosa Forte from March 22 to 25, 2013. Arguably the most important teaching couple in the tango world, Carlos & Rosa have trained 6 of the last 7 couples to win the World Tango Championship in the Salon Category. They are sought out by professionals, aspiring professionals and amateurs alike for their unparalleled knowledge of Villa Urquiza-style tango. Villa Urquiza style holds tango's guarded secrets about how to make the dance look seamless, elegant and harmonious. By studying Villa Urquiza style in general, and by studying with Carlos & Rosa in particular, students gain the knowledge and technique necessary to imbue their dance with elegance and grace, no matter what style of tango they prefer.
Prominent students of Carlos & Rosa include: Pablo Rodríguez y Noelia Hurtado, Dante Sanchez e Ines Muzzopappa, Francisco Forquera y Natalia Hills and Fabián Peralta y Natacha Poveraj, among many, many more.
Carlos & Rosa have been dancing for over 50 years, have taught all over Europe and Asia, and are among the most highly respected teachers in their home city of Buenos Aires, but they have never before taught in the United States. We are extremely honored to have helped organize their first tour to the US and to be able to bring them to Philadelphia.
Much more information is available at
7:30-9 pm: Foundational Elements – The Elegant & Functional Embrace and The Walk, Tango's Heartbeat (All levels)
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
1-2:30 pm: The Breathing Dance – Cadencia & Musicality
3-4:30 pm: Time Capsule – A Glimpse into the Way Tango was Danced during the 1950s, the “Golden Age” of Tango
Location: Ruba Club
8:30-9:30 pm: Pre-Milonga Class (Taught by Adam Hoopengardner)
9:30 pm-3 am: Milonga Qilombo featuring a performance by Carlos & Rosa Perez and with DJ Adam Hoopengardner
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2-3:30 pm: Canyengue – The Predecessor of Milonga
4-5:30 pm: Pauses – How, When & Where
Location: First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
7-8:30 pm: Technique & Adornments for Women Combined with Technique & Elegance for Men (Int/Adv)
8:30-10 pm: Common Figures & Sequences in Villa Urquiza-Style Tango (Int/Adv)
10 pm-midnight: Open Practice Space
Location: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
Carlos & Rosa will be teaching in New Jersey, organized by Vittoria Natale & Guillermo Elkouss from March 16-20. Registrants who buy full passes to the events in both New Jersey and Philadelphia will receive 20% off both packages.
Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2030 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia PA 19125
Ruba Club
414 Green St, Philadelphia, PA 19123
First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
2125 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 - Please use the side entrance on Van Pelt St. Ring the buzzer marked "weekend."
Full Seminar (All Workshops plus Milonga & Pre-Milonga Class): $160
Weekend Pass (Saturday/Sunday Workshops plus Milonga & Pre-Milonga Class): $120
Saturday Workshops: $60
Sunday Workshops: $60
Monday Workshops: $60
Any Single Workshop: $35
All packages are available with pre-registration by March 16 only. After March 16, workshops may only be purchased singly at the door, in cash, at full price.
** Full-time students receive 20% off any registration option. You must bring a student ID to all activities if you take this discount.
** Those who purchase the Full Pass to the events with Carlos & Rosa in both New Jersey and Philadelphia will receive 20% off both full pass packages. Please register through our website, paying full price, and then send us proof of your registration for the New Jersey events. We will then refund your credit card 20% of the amount paid.
Limited housing may be available in the homes of local tangueros. Please contact Meredith Klein at as soon as possible to inquire about housing possibilities.
Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2030 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19125
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