Happy Holidays! Join us for the 19th annual traditional celebration of songs in the spirit of the season. It's also Taller's 44th Birthday!
Parrandas or trullas navideñas is Puerto Rico’s version of caroling. Bring your instruments and voices, and get into the holiday spirit!
Your participation will help support Taller’s programming.
Partake in a tasting of favorite foods by Chef Marangeli Rosa’s Entre Sabores. Refreshments, art, raffles, and much more. /Esta tradicional celebración de la época de Navidad trae el calor del espíritu de la temporada a Filadelfia. Degustación de alimentos de la época. Una su voz y sus instrumentos y contribuya con su aportación al trabajo del Taller. (Donors of $250 or more can receive complimentary passes to Parrandas!)
Taller Puertorriqueño
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