Peace and Love! How Y’all Feel? Sisters how y’all feel? Brothers y’all alright?! Now that we have your attention, we want to invite you all to our Erykah Badu tribute art exhibit. Badu has monikers for days and outside of MUVA, The Queen of Soul is the best fitting. Saturday June 13th 2020 we will come together where visual arts, music and culture meets, to celebrate the Queen Erykah Badu! Visual artists will paint and present artworks based on HER most iconic moments!
To give back to the community the first 500 tickets will be free.
Tickets afterwards will be donation based.
Donations will benefit the future opening of The Black Bird Community Center, a space for black and brown youth to learn and explore multi-disciplinary arts.
Live Music
Live Performances
Drinks will be FREE ALL NIGHT LONG.
Share this event with the TRIBE!
Philly Art Collective
253 North 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Visual artists can email us to participate ( please include photos of your work) : phillyartcollective@gmail.com
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