Thursday, November 26, 2020

December 4, 2020 6:30-8:00PM Taller Puertorriqueño's Virtual Parranda and Fundraiser


What a year it has been!  “Despite it all”, Taller Puertorriqueño (Taller) has been able to perform its mission and stay on course.  It is not easy, and it is not over. 

  “Despite it all”, we do need to celebrate.

We celebrate our collective resilience, our fortitude, and everybody’s hard work and sacrifice during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown and beyond. We remember those we have experienced loss and sing for those heroes who carry us through.  And we look ahead, with your support.  
With the theme “A PESAR DE LOS PESARES” (Despite it all), honoring Taller founder Rafaela Colón, join our Virtual Parrandas (Christmas Holiday Celebration) here:  

Step into our supporters’ circle and support
our Winter Campaign and Fundraiser directly.
Funders circle/donate

Our goal is $15,000. To reach it, we need everyone’s help, no matter how small your contribution may seem. All gifts matter because they add up and because you care
Taller’s strength is its deep connections to community, as it provides a local fertile environment with its programs that preserve, develop, and promote Puerto Rican arts and culture and celebrate the broader Latino art scene. The holidays are a time to revel in culture. Embracing one's cultural heritage is central to community empowerment.  Supporting the arts by supporting Taller, does both!

Become a member if you are not one already! If you are a member, consider upgrading your membership! Building our audience is crucial to our continued success. Members, also consider a monthly gift subscription and/or holiday shopping in our Julia de Burgos Gift Shop.  For information contact Lisa Moser at 215 426-3311 ext. 1000, or visit Other ways to share and give: Donating a membership or a set of Parrandas tickets to someone who could not afford it. 
Donate a Membership at:
Parrandas tickets:

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