Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 22, 2024 7:00-10:00PM Kakilambe at The Nile Cafe


Tickets: $20 + $2 fee

Join us as our community drum class celebrates their second annual performance themed after the Kakilambe mask dance fro the Baga people of Guinea West Africa.   

Kakilambe is known to have been the most important spiritual mask of the Baga.   Its rhythm is played every year when the mask appears from the forest to the people in the village.   This would be when the mask would reveal important present and future revelations.    A priest of the mask would interpret this information, for the mask does not speak directly to people. It is a big day when the Kakilambe mask appears and everyone will come to listen.   When everyone bowed, the mask would grow up to a height of five meters tall.  Ropes are attached to the mask at the top, and the elders of the village hold the ropes at the bottom.  The Kakilambe mask is known to fight bad spirits to protect villagers and their harvests.  Mamady Keita

The Nile Cafe

6008 Germantown Ave.

Philadelphia Pa  19144

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