Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 13, 2017 7:00PM Bahia Week 2017: Film Screening and Concert at The Clef Club

As part of the BAHIA WEEK FESTIVAL 2017, the multi-award winning documentary of Director, Marcio Abreu ~ Of Slaves and Saints ~ will be screened prior to the concert featuring Bahian singer Juliana Ribeiro.
Synopsis: ​In the confines of the outback of Bahia, every 12th of October, men and women gather to celebrate the Langa of Our Lady Aparecida. To the fervent sounds of prayers and traditional music, they dance and sing throughout the night, expressing their devotion to the Black saint, but this mystical scenario conceals sad stories. These are stories of pain and suffering. Stories of enslaved men and women, told by the Black people of the region, the way they heard from their grandparents and great-grandparents. This visually beautiful and touching film will open the activities on Friday night, October 13. The screening begins at 7pm followed by the concert.

Highlighting the celebration will be a concert by five musicians from Salvador, Bahia starring - singer Juliana Ribeiro, percussionist Giba Conceciao, Isaias Rabelo on piano, Marcos Bezzera on guitar, and Giroux Wanziler on bass.

All inclusive tickets: $35 at the door
The Clef Club
738 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pa

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