Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 11, 2017 6:00-7:00PM Frevo Dance Workshop at ASCAB Capoeira

Frevo is a dance that originated on the streets of Recife, Pernambuco. Frevo is a fervent and fast paced style of music and dance. The workshop will cover Frevo de Rua, which is a street-style Frevo with sombrinhas (umbrellas) and will be focusing on basic steps utilizing our feet, ankles, and knees as we dance across the venue.
Jeitinho recently became the first non-Brazilian Frevo champion outside of Brazil after participating in the first International European Frevo Encounter. He dedicates and makes tribute to the grand figures of Carnaval in Pernambuco. After searching for a prominent figure of Carnaval in Pernambuco, he became “O Homem da Meia-Noite,” one of the giant dolls that march the streets of Recife and Olinda. Every performance is a different performance, and the magic of “O Homem da Meia-Noite” exists only until midnight.
All levels, $20

Project Capoeira- Ascab Philadelphia and Mestre Doutor.
1213 Race St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

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