is a group led by Reiki master Harold E. Smith

The members are Harold and master percussionists
Doc Gibbs

The group performs on sacred instruments from across the world's cultures,and is
guided by the energetic needs of the particular audience with
whom they may be blessed to perform.
“Amazing…Not to be missed...
we were blown away!”
Harold Smith and Band
“Gong with the Didge” - Saturday, November 22nd
Doors open at 6:30 for Chai, Cake, and getting positioned
Concert at 7:30 pm - Suggested Donation $25.
1586 Elephant Road, Perkasie PA 18944
RSVP Bonnie Harter 215.353.1216
**Please Pre-Register to ensure your place on admittance list**
Bring Yoga Mat or Blanket if you wish to lay down during the Concert!
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